Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thing #6

What a great idea! The site I explored was lulu and it was really interesting. I love books and have written two children's books so I was hooked almost immediately. This site is a self-publishing entity that lets the author/creator digitally upload their book or song on the site and then sell it. The author gets to create the cover of the book and even design how it's printed. The author gets an ISBN number and then it can be sold around the world.

Currently 500,000 people from over 80 countries utilize lulu. By using this software, one can sell their creation anywhere around the world and keep 80% of the profits. Additionally, it can also be sold on Amazon.com or at bookstores like Barnes and Noble. I looked at the demo/video. Here is the link: http://www.lulu.com/en/about/demo.php?cid=en_tab_demo

The lulu website also lets people create scrapbooks and photo albums. For example, a couple gets married and then they design their wedding album. The couple can place it on the lulu website and then anybody can order copies of the album or certain pics without the couple having to spend lots of money on sending pictures around the world.

I think this would benefit school and libraries in that students would be encouraged to use their creative thought processes and then share them with the world - or at least Grandma and Grandpa.

This website - lulu - is rated number 1 in their category and it is easy to see why because this is a great idea that they've taken a step further and invested a lot of time and energy into.


  1. Peggy, thanks for writing about this site. I have been looking for something like this for a while. Great find!

  2. Hey Peggy! I haven't found anything like this before, but I think it is very interesting. How cool that you've written two children's books yourself! That's awesome! I'll definitely be checking out this website.
