Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thing #14

Hi again. I chose bubbl.us as my first "flowy thing" (I made that word up and am going to register it somewhere LOL) and was so freaking confused I didn't know WHAT to do. I am one of those people that fools with stuff and takes notes and then goes back to them a few days, or weeks :-( later. Anyway, I finally got the hang of it and I am embarrassed to say that it wasn't that tough. Years ago when I worked for the DOE I compiled more flow charts than the man (or woman - but I'm thinking it was a man because women would have made it smell prettier - perhaps flowery - please note that's a different word than "flowy") who constructed the sewer system. Bubbl would have been very helpful to me then. I think this would be a great tool for students too such as government and maybe how a bill works. Just let it flow along like a river!

The second thing I chose was Mindmeister. I liked this one as well; however, it is trickier and (perhaps) more work for younger students (I spent the last week with first graders and they seem to do be capable of anything except reaching high places on their own). I see students working on group projects for this one and letting their ideas flow together like a big melting pot of ideas. Additionally, it is free as well; however, the nominal fees to join would prove to be more prudent for older students and those in the workforce.

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