Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thing #16

I am one of the most organized people you will ever meet. Stuff everywhere drives me nuts. Unfortunately, disorganized people and pack rats should be taken out and ORGANIZED. Whew, I feel better. The truth of the matter is that I married a pack rat and I truly don't know how he survives. Anyway, we are opening a deli and there is A LOT of stuff to do and the first few weeks I told him to make a list. Then I told him to buy a binder and put all the important papers in it and make a list. Then I bought him a binder and took all the papers (important or not) off my kitchen table and placed them in the binder and told him to make a list. Then I told him to get a notebook and keep track of meetings, phone numbers, etc., and make a list. THEN I FINALLY MADE HIM A LIST. Unfortunately, it's up to me to keep up with the list. Have I mentioned I'm busy?

Anyway, I liked this assignment because I am not a huge sticky note fan (I think it goes back to "stuff everywhere." I did a little exploring and found the list feature at tadalist.com. I liked it because I can e-mail the list to family and friends and they can add to it or check things off when completed. For example, at the opening of the deli, several family members are coming. They are arriving from Florida and Arizona and they can combine their own lists and then know who's doing what so nothing is left to chance - like not having a rental car upon their arrival. I think it's a win/win - if I can just get my husband to use it. Oh, feel free to mention this list to John if you should ever meet him.

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