Howdy everybody! Well, the deli is open and busy. I think it's doing great considering nobody knows where it's located. Q-108 messed up the paperwork so the promotions won't be on the radio until Monday; however, they are great and are going to give the deli some extra promotional time. The Health Department awarded Freedom Deli with a 96! The inspector said "the nicest compliment we can give a business is to post their menus on our bulletin board and Freedom Deli is on it!"
If y'all are reading this, stop by and visit. Everybody is raving about the portions and especially the Boar's Head products. I was at Walmart the other day and told the lady about the Boar's Head products and she said, "Oh, I don't eat pork." (You'll get it later if that didn't hit you right away.)
Have a great rest of the week!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
ED 5540 Has Left the Building
I completed ED 5540 and received a 91. Woo hoo! I'd like to thank Dr. Wall for her generosity in sharing her technological wisdom and prowess. I truly learned a lot from the class, but I also learned a lot about me. I learned that perseverance pays off (in a good way).
I have decided to keep the blog going and sharing information on at least a weekly basis. Here goes:
John is thisclose to opening the deli. We are hoping for Thursday and we are down to the little things like the sneeze guard and the Charter guy coming so we can hook up the television (gotta be able to watch those TN games and hear "Rocky Top"!" As I type this John is sleeping and I know he's tired. Molly is also sleeping next to him on her big cushion. It's half the size of a twin bed but a big circle with a bone design in the middle. She's so spoiled, but that's our daughter. ;-)
If you are reading this, stop by the deli next week. It's called Freedom Deli and it's located in the Lowes/Kroger shopping center. We are serving only Boar's Head meats and cheeses and they are BIG sandwiches. Also, we are using Mama Eileen's (she's gotta love that name) "that'sa spicy meatball" recipe so that'll put some 'go' in your pipes.
The deli has an aviation theme. I was busy for the past few months ordering lots of stuff off the Internet (I have a new respect for Ebay) that had anything to do with planes. Mom bought John this really cool clock for the wall. It looks like a plane with these crazy eyes. I've bought posters, old gasoline tins, signs, and photographs of great aviation pioneers like Amelia Earhart. I even found these nice pics of the Tuskegee Airmen. I had the pics matted and framed and they are great looking. Oh, and I found a copy of the last transmission of Amelia's flight recorded by the radioman on the ship tracking her. I also had that matted and framed. So, y'all come take a look-see.
We are also offering southern BBQ. I told John we had to have it and he's a fan of my recipe, so we'll see if the rest of Clarksville is!
Well, I gotta get John up which will take a while and get to the deli. We have a little more touch-up painting to do and I want to see the new coffee pots! It's the little things, folks.
I have decided to keep the blog going and sharing information on at least a weekly basis. Here goes:
John is thisclose to opening the deli. We are hoping for Thursday and we are down to the little things like the sneeze guard and the Charter guy coming so we can hook up the television (gotta be able to watch those TN games and hear "Rocky Top"!" As I type this John is sleeping and I know he's tired. Molly is also sleeping next to him on her big cushion. It's half the size of a twin bed but a big circle with a bone design in the middle. She's so spoiled, but that's our daughter. ;-)
If you are reading this, stop by the deli next week. It's called Freedom Deli and it's located in the Lowes/Kroger shopping center. We are serving only Boar's Head meats and cheeses and they are BIG sandwiches. Also, we are using Mama Eileen's (she's gotta love that name) "that'sa spicy meatball" recipe so that'll put some 'go' in your pipes.
The deli has an aviation theme. I was busy for the past few months ordering lots of stuff off the Internet (I have a new respect for Ebay) that had anything to do with planes. Mom bought John this really cool clock for the wall. It looks like a plane with these crazy eyes. I've bought posters, old gasoline tins, signs, and photographs of great aviation pioneers like Amelia Earhart. I even found these nice pics of the Tuskegee Airmen. I had the pics matted and framed and they are great looking. Oh, and I found a copy of the last transmission of Amelia's flight recorded by the radioman on the ship tracking her. I also had that matted and framed. So, y'all come take a look-see.
We are also offering southern BBQ. I told John we had to have it and he's a fan of my recipe, so we'll see if the rest of Clarksville is!
Well, I gotta get John up which will take a while and get to the deli. We have a little more touch-up painting to do and I want to see the new coffee pots! It's the little things, folks.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I loved the Flickr and making the video. It was fun.
How has this program affected your lifelong learning goals? In that I am open to anything, you betcha. We are living in a technology age and I've completed all 23 things!
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Yes, I was surprised I did almost all of it on my own with little outside help. Once I got that picture insertion thingy down it was a win/win!
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I don't think you could, but if you think of something, please let me know.
How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher? I keep an open mind on what's on the Web and how it affects my students' lives. A perfect example is the Irish teenager from Massachusetts who committed suicide. I was much more cognizant of Facebook and her story since taking this class.
How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that you have found to be useful. I'm going to check my bookmarked page on regular basis. If I don't utilize it regularly, what good is it?
Where do you go from here? I'm going to share my blog with my family and friends. It's time for me to let them know what's been going on in my academic life this semester and show them I have indeed been busy!
How has this program affected your lifelong learning goals? In that I am open to anything, you betcha. We are living in a technology age and I've completed all 23 things!
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Yes, I was surprised I did almost all of it on my own with little outside help. Once I got that picture insertion thingy down it was a win/win!
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I don't think you could, but if you think of something, please let me know.
How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher? I keep an open mind on what's on the Web and how it affects my students' lives. A perfect example is the Irish teenager from Massachusetts who committed suicide. I was much more cognizant of Facebook and her story since taking this class.
How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that you have found to be useful. I'm going to check my bookmarked page on regular basis. If I don't utilize it regularly, what good is it?
Where do you go from here? I'm going to share my blog with my family and friends. It's time for me to let them know what's been going on in my academic life this semester and show them I have indeed been busy!
Thing #23 - Ever borrow a cup of sugar and forget to repay it? AKA who has our weed whacker?
Another 23 things? I think that is an example of attribution where the 23 things are concerned, but I still love you Dr. Wall!
I love Creative Commons because it's helped me see what is available to utilize on the Web, and we know it's 'safe'. This is so important in our world on the Web. As an English teacher, I will showcase the plagarism aspect of Creative Commons and make sure every single one of my students has viewed it/seen it because we must remember to give credit where credit is due. It's so hard sometimes to remember to cite everything, but we have to do it or correct our mistake ASAP.
Oh, and I will definitely share the digital comic book website with John because he's a huge fan of them. Oh, and because it's "technically" literature and I encourage him to read more on a regular basis. It's the little things people!
I love Creative Commons because it's helped me see what is available to utilize on the Web, and we know it's 'safe'. This is so important in our world on the Web. As an English teacher, I will showcase the plagarism aspect of Creative Commons and make sure every single one of my students has viewed it/seen it because we must remember to give credit where credit is due. It's so hard sometimes to remember to cite everything, but we have to do it or correct our mistake ASAP.
Oh, and I will definitely share the digital comic book website with John because he's a huge fan of them. Oh, and because it's "technically" literature and I encourage him to read more on a regular basis. It's the little things people!
Thing #22.....almost home
Act 4, Scene 1 of "Othello." I found a podcast of an "Othello" explanation. I like this play a lot because it was the first one I understood and I think high school students will like it as well. It's got intrigue, love, romance, interracial marriage, racism, death, and sorrow. I have learned in class that podcasts are an easy way for people to better understand subject matter - especially if they are auditory learners.
I found the Educational Podcast Directory the easiest to use because it worked for me the first time. It also had it's own English category that was devoted to my love of literature. To me, that's a win/win and I will visit the website regularly!
Has it inspired me to create a podcast of my own? Maybe, but only if I can't find it elsewhere as I'm not a big fan of my voice - people tell me I sound like a 12 year old - but I could do a children's podcast!
Othello podcast
I found the Educational Podcast Directory the easiest to use because it worked for me the first time. It also had it's own English category that was devoted to my love of literature. To me, that's a win/win and I will visit the website regularly!
Has it inspired me to create a podcast of my own? Maybe, but only if I can't find it elsewhere as I'm not a big fan of my voice - people tell me I sound like a 12 year old - but I could do a children's podcast!
Othello podcast
Thing #21 - I feel like Steven Spielberg!!
I made a video! I made a video. I am easily entertained. (That's funnier if you hum along to those three sentences and say "neener, neener, neener at the end.) Well, first of all I didn't get it right the first time, but I am a trier from way back and I finally got it. Woo hoo Peggy! I think they were just trying to get 3 bucks out of me but I couldn't go there because my wallet is in the car and I haven't memorized my debit card number. That really is amazing though because I can still remember the American Express number of my boss I worked for 15 years ago 37871035.... Anybody want to go shopping?!
Always Home
Always Home
Thing #20 - You tube, we tube, we all should tube?
Ah, You Tube. I didn't know about this site until about a year ago when I was playing a game on-line and I asked about somebody's screen name. They told me it was after a band and I could see them on You Tube. I asked what it was and he said "are you serious?!!!" I have since been to You Tube and learned how to make waterfalls for my Farmtown (they look great!) and watch old clips from television shows "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (and if you remember this one, we have to talk!) and have discovered a wonderful Canadian singer named Loreena McKennitt who has the most beautiful voice, but is only touring in Europe right now.
I think this website would be interesting in the classroom if used correctly because there are some wonderful plays and clips from great works. I am particularly interested in Anne Frank. While I am not Jewish, I have always been interested in her story because I do not think anybody should be tortured for their choice of religion. Anne became the face of young Jewish girls during this horrific time period and we cannot forget their plight. Here is a video: Anne Frank
I think this website would be interesting in the classroom if used correctly because there are some wonderful plays and clips from great works. I am particularly interested in Anne Frank. While I am not Jewish, I have always been interested in her story because I do not think anybody should be tortured for their choice of religion. Anne became the face of young Jewish girls during this horrific time period and we cannot forget their plight. Here is a video: Anne Frank
Thing #19 - more social networking but this one involves BOOKS and DOLLS!!

I also know that before I joined Facebook and Twitter, there was very little about me on-line when my name was Googled. Now I find comments I've left on-line referenced. While that's okay, it's a reminder to be careful what I say as anything is public when published.
As previously mentioned, I am on Facebook and Twitter; however, there are more social networks out there. I always knew there were, but I didn't know where they were - probably because I never really took the time to explore them. Anyhow, I liked the one Goodreads. I read a lot for pleasure and I am now (trying) to reading Patricia Cornwell's Predator. It's good, but taking me a long time to read because I'm so busy with other stuff. I have joined the Goodreads website and will add more of my book reviews to it in the days/weeks to come.
I also think Goodreads could be used in my classroom. I want my students to read and if they all belong to their website, they can keep track of their books from the beginning of the semester until the end. I can add points accordingly - especially since they have to write something about the book and I'll know if they read the book or not.
The only other social website I am was on prior to this blog was the Marie Osmond Doll Collector. I have about 50 of her porcelain dolls and I really love them. I have attached a picture of one for you to view. I also have Internet friends that have a website that I look at on occasion to see what new dolls they have. It's something relaxing to collect. Did I mention dolls don't talk back? LOL
On TeacherPop, I also joined "Making Curriculum Pop" which I found quite enlightening and interesting. I'm glad to know there are other English nerds alive and well out there. Here's my profile: Pop Profile
Thing #18 - Facebook - this one I know about! Yee Haw!
I like Facebook. Everybody I have EVER met knows I am on it because my last name is not one you've heard before. They all Google me and then want to be my friend. That's not a bad thing, it's just keep up with family, friends, and former students sometimes. And, I seem to be popular on it. So, I created another Facebook account so I can work on my farm. Only one person knows about it - so don't tell anybody please - and I find it quite peaceful. Anyway, I like Facebook because everybody shares pictures and offers advice. For example, today is the third anniversary of my dad's passing. People post comments and/or call me. It's a nice social interaction for people if used in a positive way. And, we all need a hug from time to time - even if it's over the power of the Web.
Oh, if you want to be my friend on Facebook, here's my link...Peggy Matagrano wants to be your friend
As teachers, I think it's important to know about social interaction sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. Last week's "People" had a cover story about the young Irish girl in Massachusetts who was ridiculed so much she committed suicide. The six young people are all charged in some way and I think they should be. I also think the teachers that ignored the abuse (according to the article they witnessed it first-hand) should also be held accountable. The truth of the matter is that life isn't as simple as it was when I was growing up. We could leave school, arrive home and find safety. With websites like these, we are no longer alone and some people feel threatened because of the power of the Internet.
I think schools should utilize these websites because kids need to be taught social interaction skills and Internet etiquette. Most of us are careful to teach our children how to handle themselves in public, but they need to be taught that there is somebody on the other end of the computer responding to them. How hard is it to reach out to them in a good way?
Of all the websites mentioned in our assignment, I liked Facebook best because I am the most familiar with it. It know how to maneuver around it and feel comfortable with it. Since this course, I am also on Twitter. I like both of them and am glad I was introduced to the sites.
Oh, if you want to be my friend on Facebook, here's my link...Peggy Matagrano wants to be your friend
As teachers, I think it's important to know about social interaction sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. Last week's "People" had a cover story about the young Irish girl in Massachusetts who was ridiculed so much she committed suicide. The six young people are all charged in some way and I think they should be. I also think the teachers that ignored the abuse (according to the article they witnessed it first-hand) should also be held accountable. The truth of the matter is that life isn't as simple as it was when I was growing up. We could leave school, arrive home and find safety. With websites like these, we are no longer alone and some people feel threatened because of the power of the Internet.
I think schools should utilize these websites because kids need to be taught social interaction skills and Internet etiquette. Most of us are careful to teach our children how to handle themselves in public, but they need to be taught that there is somebody on the other end of the computer responding to them. How hard is it to reach out to them in a good way?
Of all the websites mentioned in our assignment, I liked Facebook best because I am the most familiar with it. It know how to maneuver around it and feel comfortable with it. Since this course, I am also on Twitter. I like both of them and am glad I was introduced to the sites.
Thing(y) #17 - Is "tag your it" already taken?!
Tagging, tagging, tagging. Interesting concept. I think it's useful in noting photographs. The only time I'd seen "tagging" used before is when my ex sister-in-law would share photos of my beautiful niece and nephew online and forward them around the world. I love her children so I loved the pictures, but never tagged.
One of the things I've learned in this course is the importance of sharing information with my peers. Why reinvent the wheel? Of course, we must always give that person credit for it; however, I think tagging will help a great deal. It's about looking for that proverbial needle in a haystack. We search and search for something, find it and then somebody says "oh, I found that several months ago, you should have said something" and you want to run screaming into the night. By tagging information (not just photos) we can share ideas with friends, family, peers, and co-workers and let them see OUR notes at the same time. I really like the idea a lot. Also, it will cut down on all those e-mails because somebody in our social group thinks we haven't seen it and forwards it to us again (and again).
One of the things I've learned in this course is the importance of sharing information with my peers. Why reinvent the wheel? Of course, we must always give that person credit for it; however, I think tagging will help a great deal. It's about looking for that proverbial needle in a haystack. We search and search for something, find it and then somebody says "oh, I found that several months ago, you should have said something" and you want to run screaming into the night. By tagging information (not just photos) we can share ideas with friends, family, peers, and co-workers and let them see OUR notes at the same time. I really like the idea a lot. Also, it will cut down on all those e-mails because somebody in our social group thinks we haven't seen it and forwards it to us again (and again).
Thing #16
I am one of the most organized people you will ever meet. Stuff everywhere drives me nuts. Unfortunately, disorganized people and pack rats should be taken out and ORGANIZED. Whew, I feel better. The truth of the matter is that I married a pack rat and I truly don't know how he survives. Anyway, we are opening a deli and there is A LOT of stuff to do and the first few weeks I told him to make a list. Then I told him to buy a binder and put all the important papers in it and make a list. Then I bought him a binder and took all the papers (important or not) off my kitchen table and placed them in the binder and told him to make a list. Then I told him to get a notebook and keep track of meetings, phone numbers, etc., and make a list. THEN I FINALLY MADE HIM A LIST. Unfortunately, it's up to me to keep up with the list. Have I mentioned I'm busy?
Anyway, I liked this assignment because I am not a huge sticky note fan (I think it goes back to "stuff everywhere." I did a little exploring and found the list feature at I liked it because I can e-mail the list to family and friends and they can add to it or check things off when completed. For example, at the opening of the deli, several family members are coming. They are arriving from Florida and Arizona and they can combine their own lists and then know who's doing what so nothing is left to chance - like not having a rental car upon their arrival. I think it's a win/win - if I can just get my husband to use it. Oh, feel free to mention this list to John if you should ever meet him.
Thing #15
I don't let my students use Wikipedia for papers because anybody can change things on the site and provide students with the wrong information such as "Abigail Adams was the first U.S. President." However, I am starting to re-think that decision. Why you might ask, because I'm flexible. Well, not in person (hee hee), but I am willing to accept new things and am usually open to new suggestions. Anyhow, since researching this assignment in the past few weeks I am using Wikipedia for everything.
Last week I wanted to know who a certain dancer was on "Dancing with the Stars" and BAM! I looked it up on Wikipedia. So, I think this is a great tool for students as well as me. Why you might ask - and I knew you would - because students have to look up the information currently contained within the 'post' and then update it. It's a win, win!!!
Additionally, I played in the sand. I wish it had been in Hawaii, but it's Austin Peay's sand and it wasn't bad. Sorry about the bold pink font, but it's been a long semester!
Last week I wanted to know who a certain dancer was on "Dancing with the Stars" and BAM! I looked it up on Wikipedia. So, I think this is a great tool for students as well as me. Why you might ask - and I knew you would - because students have to look up the information currently contained within the 'post' and then update it. It's a win, win!!!
Additionally, I played in the sand. I wish it had been in Hawaii, but it's Austin Peay's sand and it wasn't bad. Sorry about the bold pink font, but it's been a long semester!
Thing #14
Hi again. I chose as my first "flowy thing" (I made that word up and am going to register it somewhere LOL) and was so freaking confused I didn't know WHAT to do. I am one of those people that fools with stuff and takes notes and then goes back to them a few days, or weeks :-( later. Anyway, I finally got the hang of it and I am embarrassed to say that it wasn't that tough. Years ago when I worked for the DOE I compiled more flow charts than the man (or woman - but I'm thinking it was a man because women would have made it smell prettier - perhaps flowery - please note that's a different word than "flowy") who constructed the sewer system. Bubbl would have been very helpful to me then. I think this would be a great tool for students too such as government and maybe how a bill works. Just let it flow along like a river!
The second thing I chose was Mindmeister. I liked this one as well; however, it is trickier and (perhaps) more work for younger students (I spent the last week with first graders and they seem to do be capable of anything except reaching high places on their own). I see students working on group projects for this one and letting their ideas flow together like a big melting pot of ideas. Additionally, it is free as well; however, the nominal fees to join would prove to be more prudent for older students and those in the workforce.
The second thing I chose was Mindmeister. I liked this one as well; however, it is trickier and (perhaps) more work for younger students (I spent the last week with first graders and they seem to do be capable of anything except reaching high places on their own). I see students working on group projects for this one and letting their ideas flow together like a big melting pot of ideas. Additionally, it is free as well; however, the nominal fees to join would prove to be more prudent for older students and those in the workforce.
Thing #13
Zoho is a wonderful tool. I am all about peer reviews and editing and students can have a lot of fun with this both academically and socially (if they want). Students can write papers and then call a friend to have them look at it. My best friend, Kathie, is working on her MA in the medical field and is taking an English class. She often asks me to look at her papers by e-mailing back and forth and this tool is much more convenient because she can call me and let me know what's there and have me look at it for her. Or, I could just check the account every few days.
So much of what our students (and children) are doing on the Internet is a social connection such as Twitter or Facebook. I really want to see these kids do something like this that can be both academic and fun. Additionally, sometimes students can't compete socially with somebody but they can academically and Zoho is a great place to meet in the middle.
Congrats to Zoho for providing this incredible service!
So much of what our students (and children) are doing on the Internet is a social connection such as Twitter or Facebook. I really want to see these kids do something like this that can be both academic and fun. Additionally, sometimes students can't compete socially with somebody but they can academically and Zoho is a great place to meet in the middle.
Congrats to Zoho for providing this incredible service!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Am I a Lifelong Learner?
I decided to save this post for last because although I knew I was a lifelong learner (my age speaks for itself), technology really isn't my forte. I have learned so much from Dr. Wall's class. No, that's not a brown-nosing thing, but it is very true. I look forward to Thursdays and wonder what new thing I'm going to learn. I then take the information home with me to share with my husband and sometimes call my friends. Sometimes they are interested, sometimes not.
Anyway, I think we have to be lifelong learners. If we do not learn something new every single day, why bother? One thing that bothers me about the lottery here in Tennessee is that it's used for the Hope Scholarship but truly only benefits younger students. If it has been more than five years since a person has entered a college/university, then there is no lottery money available to them. That's so sad. What about the student that had to drop out of school for financial reasons to support their family (children or parents)? I don't understand why they are penalized.
Lifelong learning is a personal commitment. It's something we have to promise ourselves to do so we don't just cease to live. One day Dale (a fellow peer) told me I sounded wise. I told him it was because I'm old. (It's okay, you can laugh here.) But, seriously - why watch that television show you've seen before when you can turn on the History Channel or something else and expound your mind? I know I sound like a commercial, but it's really true. One is never too old to learn and I'm the perfect example because it took me 27 years to get my BS and at the age of 50, I'm now closing in on my second Masters!
Anyway, I think we have to be lifelong learners. If we do not learn something new every single day, why bother? One thing that bothers me about the lottery here in Tennessee is that it's used for the Hope Scholarship but truly only benefits younger students. If it has been more than five years since a person has entered a college/university, then there is no lottery money available to them. That's so sad. What about the student that had to drop out of school for financial reasons to support their family (children or parents)? I don't understand why they are penalized.
Lifelong learning is a personal commitment. It's something we have to promise ourselves to do so we don't just cease to live. One day Dale (a fellow peer) told me I sounded wise. I told him it was because I'm old. (It's okay, you can laugh here.) But, seriously - why watch that television show you've seen before when you can turn on the History Channel or something else and expound your mind? I know I sound like a commercial, but it's really true. One is never too old to learn and I'm the perfect example because it took me 27 years to get my BS and at the age of 50, I'm now closing in on my second Masters!
Thing #12

Sorry, but I had to add that because it took soooo long to figure out what I was doing wrong with regard to uploading images. Did you all know that some images cannot be uploaded? Unfortunately, I chose two that were unloadable and thought it was me and that I was doing something wrong. It took me two days, but persistence does pay off because now I am an image-uploader maniac!
Seriously, I love Google. I have now set up a Google-alert asking for news on teaching abroad and to follow my favorite celebrity. I won't get too many alerts on him, so it's okay.

Picasa is an interesting site and I see wonderful inventive things that can be used in the classroom. My friend, Lee, teaches elementary art and I am passing these things on to her as well. Additionally, it can be used in my personal life as many family members do scrapbooking and I've opened their eyes to these sites as well.
The hardest part to understand about Google is why don't they have a filter that gets rid of sites that have no action on them for years at a stretch? Also, I realize the Internet needs sponsors, but we seem to get inundated with them when we click on some sites and can't get out of the page without reloading because of some kind of "freeze" on the page. That needs to be fixed.
Thing #11
I have found that the best way to find blogs and other things I am interested in is to have the time to sit down and just Google. I never find what I"m looking for the first (or even second) place that I go to; however, with determination (and luck!) I usually find what I'm looking for no matter what it is.
Blogs are a little confusing. The first few blogs I investigated were hard to understand because they were in a foreign language!!!! No, I do not speak Mandarin Chinese! Although, it would be interesting to explore. Some blogs didn't have any posts on them for four years. I said "no" to those as well. Shouldn't there be a time limit on these things? I did find two great blogs written by English teachers. One is here in the United States and one is abroad. Since I am interested in teaching abroad, it was a win-win. My only question is, should I be following these privately or should I fess up and let them know who I am? Hmmm, something to think about. Anyway, I really like this blog: Margarita because I found it to be entertaining, informative, and she posts in a timely manner. It's kind of like having a new window to the world that I get to view on a daily basis and not have to pay the travel expense!
I liked the cool cat as well. The fact that somebody took the time to work on something this involved and share it with the world is definitely appreciated by someone like me who craves knowledge - no matter what it is.
One blog I found interesting that isn't just about education and technology is the one at I liked it a lot and I can keep up-to-date with all the news and not just have to rely on AOL for my information.
Blogs are a little confusing. The first few blogs I investigated were hard to understand because they were in a foreign language!!!! No, I do not speak Mandarin Chinese! Although, it would be interesting to explore. Some blogs didn't have any posts on them for four years. I said "no" to those as well. Shouldn't there be a time limit on these things? I did find two great blogs written by English teachers. One is here in the United States and one is abroad. Since I am interested in teaching abroad, it was a win-win. My only question is, should I be following these privately or should I fess up and let them know who I am? Hmmm, something to think about. Anyway, I really like this blog: Margarita because I found it to be entertaining, informative, and she posts in a timely manner. It's kind of like having a new window to the world that I get to view on a daily basis and not have to pay the travel expense!
I liked the cool cat as well. The fact that somebody took the time to work on something this involved and share it with the world is definitely appreciated by someone like me who craves knowledge - no matter what it is.
One blog I found interesting that isn't just about education and technology is the one at I liked it a lot and I can keep up-to-date with all the news and not just have to rely on AOL for my information.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Thing #10
What do I like best about RSS and newsreaders? Well, they are timely. I love getting to the gist of the information/matter ASAP. If you ask me what time it is, I don't tell you how to build a watch. That's what RSS and newsreaders do - they give you all the information you need to know in the shortest amount of time and I don't have to deal with 'fluff' unless I want to deal with it.
This technology can be utilized in some classrooms; however, it will help my personal life right now because, again, it's short, sweet, and to the point. I like that a lot.
Teachers can take advantage of this new technology on a daily basis in their classrooms because it keeps the world-at-large up-to-date in their classrooms. Textbooks can become obsolete; however, the world keeps on turning and RSS and newsreaders will let the teacher know what is happening on a daily and even hourly basis.
This technology can be utilized in some classrooms; however, it will help my personal life right now because, again, it's short, sweet, and to the point. I like that a lot.
Teachers can take advantage of this new technology on a daily basis in their classrooms because it keeps the world-at-large up-to-date in their classrooms. Textbooks can become obsolete; however, the world keeps on turning and RSS and newsreaders will let the teacher know what is happening on a daily and even hourly basis.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Thing #9

This would be beneficial to libraries and classroom because kids will get a kick out of it, and they can also personalize things in their every day lives.
link: click here
Thing #8
My Presentation
I chose to go to Splashr and it was amazing. If you click on "my presentation" above, you will see the postcards I used from their website by exploring the keywords "flowers, waterfalls, and windmills." I think this website would be interesting to use in an English class because I could utilize words that are directly related to literature and could come up with a slide show or collage that would help the students visualize the authors from whatever time period we were exploring/studying.
This would also be an amazing tool in a field like scrapbooking or perhaps adding that special something to photo albums. I am truly amazed by the people that use their creativity to think up stuff like this. It is really inspiring to people like me that aren't visually creative.
I chose to go to Splashr and it was amazing. If you click on "my presentation" above, you will see the postcards I used from their website by exploring the keywords "flowers, waterfalls, and windmills." I think this website would be interesting to use in an English class because I could utilize words that are directly related to literature and could come up with a slide show or collage that would help the students visualize the authors from whatever time period we were exploring/studying.
This would also be an amazing tool in a field like scrapbooking or perhaps adding that special something to photo albums. I am truly amazed by the people that use their creativity to think up stuff like this. It is really inspiring to people like me that aren't visually creative.
Thing #7

I found this picture on Flickr and loved it because I like flowers so much. Fmontesb is the person that uploaded the picture. I think anybody that grows beautiful flowers if blessed as I don't have a green thumb. Additionally, I think anybody that can take beautiful pictures is also blessed as it has never been my forte - I just recently got a digital camera and have approximately six of those disposable ones that need to be taken in to be developed.
I really liked Flickr because it provides people with an opportunity to share their talents. Additionally, I like the fact that people can comment on the pictures. I think it goes back to my first professor that said we needed to always remember that for some students the only encouragement they get is from us. Providing positive feedback (sometimes anonymously) to the people that take pictures or publish something might be the only encouragement they get as well. Sometimes with so much stress and troubling times in the world, we forget to look for the beauty.
Here is the web address for the pic:
Thing #6
What a great idea! The site I explored was lulu and it was really interesting. I love books and have written two children's books so I was hooked almost immediately. This site is a self-publishing entity that lets the author/creator digitally upload their book or song on the site and then sell it. The author gets to create the cover of the book and even design how it's printed. The author gets an ISBN number and then it can be sold around the world.
Currently 500,000 people from over 80 countries utilize lulu. By using this software, one can sell their creation anywhere around the world and keep 80% of the profits. Additionally, it can also be sold on or at bookstores like Barnes and Noble. I looked at the demo/video. Here is the link:
The lulu website also lets people create scrapbooks and photo albums. For example, a couple gets married and then they design their wedding album. The couple can place it on the lulu website and then anybody can order copies of the album or certain pics without the couple having to spend lots of money on sending pictures around the world.
I think this would benefit school and libraries in that students would be encouraged to use their creative thought processes and then share them with the world - or at least Grandma and Grandpa.
This website - lulu - is rated number 1 in their category and it is easy to see why because this is a great idea that they've taken a step further and invested a lot of time and energy into.
Currently 500,000 people from over 80 countries utilize lulu. By using this software, one can sell their creation anywhere around the world and keep 80% of the profits. Additionally, it can also be sold on or at bookstores like Barnes and Noble. I looked at the demo/video. Here is the link:
The lulu website also lets people create scrapbooks and photo albums. For example, a couple gets married and then they design their wedding album. The couple can place it on the lulu website and then anybody can order copies of the album or certain pics without the couple having to spend lots of money on sending pictures around the world.
I think this would benefit school and libraries in that students would be encouraged to use their creative thought processes and then share them with the world - or at least Grandma and Grandpa.
This website - lulu - is rated number 1 in their category and it is easy to see why because this is a great idea that they've taken a step further and invested a lot of time and energy into.
Thing #5
School 2.0 - What does it mean to me?
School 2.0 means that "times, they be a-changing." While I think many of their ideas are good, the funding situation is going to stand in the way and that's a shame. I worked for the Tennessee Department of Education for 20 years, and in the mid 80s we were told about classrooms in Tennessee that had textbooks that read "someday we will land on the moon." These students had textbooks that were 20 years out-of-date. I am a big proponent of changing with the times, and I truly hope we get these schools the funding they need to keep up with the times.
What does it mean for schools of the future?
It means that schools are going to be able to keep up with an ever-changing global economy and with schools on an international level. Unfortunately, we first need to keep up with what's going on in the U.S. Depending on what area of the U.S. one lives in, schools are more advanced than in other areas. Unfortunately, this affects way too many students and they are often left to stagnate. If we can ALL keep up, then I see this as a win-win for our students and educators as well.
School 2.0 means that "times, they be a-changing." While I think many of their ideas are good, the funding situation is going to stand in the way and that's a shame. I worked for the Tennessee Department of Education for 20 years, and in the mid 80s we were told about classrooms in Tennessee that had textbooks that read "someday we will land on the moon." These students had textbooks that were 20 years out-of-date. I am a big proponent of changing with the times, and I truly hope we get these schools the funding they need to keep up with the times.
What does it mean for schools of the future?
It means that schools are going to be able to keep up with an ever-changing global economy and with schools on an international level. Unfortunately, we first need to keep up with what's going on in the U.S. Depending on what area of the U.S. one lives in, schools are more advanced than in other areas. Unfortunately, this affects way too many students and they are often left to stagnate. If we can ALL keep up, then I see this as a win-win for our students and educators as well.
Thing #4
Thing #4 was very interesting to me because I think we are living in a digital/electronic world and there really is no going back. I always buy my mother stationery for her birthday and Mother's Day, but everybody else I know blogs or e-mails. Commenting on blogs or Facebook is important because it's how we keep in contact with each other and understand what's going on in their personal lives. Sure, most of us just talk about our day(s) or funny things that happened; however, my father-in-law just had open heart surgery, and I got my updates on Facebook because of the time difference and the family being at the hospital (they live in AZ). Additionally, commenting can ease the day of someone that's having a bad time. It's nice to know somebody out there cares!
I enjoyed ProBlogger. I also leave open-ended questions or posts and interact with the ones that were posted. Sometimes, I just mess with my students' heads (LOL) to make them think outside the box. Other times, I just give them a short answer and then they always want to know more. I think less is more sometimes. I also think that the more we let them think about on their own, the most they remember the answers. I know it's true of me.
Sam's Blog
I posted on Sam's blog because I always learn so much from him in class. I know he's computer-savvy from his remarks in the classroom, so I know he's entertaining with his blog as well.
Jerry's Blog
I posted on Jerry's blog because I find him encouraging and I wanted him to know that I appreciate his encouragement. Who knew he was 40 years old!?
Suzanne's Blog
I posted on Suzanne's blog because I didn't know who she was and was curious. I liked her comment about working on her second Masters (I am doing the same) and being considered an over-achiever by her family. I think they just don't get it. Is it possible to be addicted to acadamia? Is that even a word?
Kate's Blog
I chose Kate's blog because I love her boots and wish I could wear them. I think she's stylish and wanted to know more about her. I think she's young, but after reading her post I know she's very gifted and is someone I would want teaching someone I loved.
Chad's Blog
I chose Chad's blog because even though he gets on my last nerve sometimes, I respect him as a peer and wanted him to know that. Sometimes people don't tell us verbally what we need to know, but will write about it.
Adrian's Blog
Adrian is an actor and the sexiest man I have ever seen. No, it's not the guy from "Entourage" either. Anyway, I am one of those 'lurkers' we read about for this assignment and I NEVER post to his blog, but in the interest of this assignment I thought "what the heck!" If he responds, I will completely die! Note to ladies: one is NEVER too old to think a man is hot!
Shelly's Blog
Shelly is a former student and her husband is going through kidney dialysis. She is a match for him and will be donating a kidney in the next few weeks. My husband, John, also donated a kidney to his Godmother in 2002 and I met a lot of great people in the transplant organization. I try to keep her encouraged and let her know it's all going to be okay.
I enjoyed ProBlogger. I also leave open-ended questions or posts and interact with the ones that were posted. Sometimes, I just mess with my students' heads (LOL) to make them think outside the box. Other times, I just give them a short answer and then they always want to know more. I think less is more sometimes. I also think that the more we let them think about on their own, the most they remember the answers. I know it's true of me.
Sam's Blog
I posted on Sam's blog because I always learn so much from him in class. I know he's computer-savvy from his remarks in the classroom, so I know he's entertaining with his blog as well.
Jerry's Blog
I posted on Jerry's blog because I find him encouraging and I wanted him to know that I appreciate his encouragement. Who knew he was 40 years old!?
Suzanne's Blog
I posted on Suzanne's blog because I didn't know who she was and was curious. I liked her comment about working on her second Masters (I am doing the same) and being considered an over-achiever by her family. I think they just don't get it. Is it possible to be addicted to acadamia? Is that even a word?
Kate's Blog
I chose Kate's blog because I love her boots and wish I could wear them. I think she's stylish and wanted to know more about her. I think she's young, but after reading her post I know she's very gifted and is someone I would want teaching someone I loved.
Chad's Blog
I chose Chad's blog because even though he gets on my last nerve sometimes, I respect him as a peer and wanted him to know that. Sometimes people don't tell us verbally what we need to know, but will write about it.
Adrian's Blog
Adrian is an actor and the sexiest man I have ever seen. No, it's not the guy from "Entourage" either. Anyway, I am one of those 'lurkers' we read about for this assignment and I NEVER post to his blog, but in the interest of this assignment I thought "what the heck!" If he responds, I will completely die! Note to ladies: one is NEVER too old to think a man is hot!
Shelly's Blog
Shelly is a former student and her husband is going through kidney dialysis. She is a match for him and will be donating a kidney in the next few weeks. My husband, John, also donated a kidney to his Godmother in 2002 and I met a lot of great people in the transplant organization. I try to keep her encouraged and let her know it's all going to be okay.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
First Blog
Hello! This is my first blog EVER! I heard about people that have blogs and had a vague idea of what they were; however, I had never been to one before. I am a student at Austin Peay and am a mother, wife, daughter, and grandmother to the greatest six-year-old in the world. Life is so much fun looking through his eyes.
I am going to post an avatar now. I will post again later.
I am going to post an avatar now. I will post again later.
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